¡¡Buenas tardes a todos!!. ¿Como va el comienzo de semana?. ¡¡Ya no queda nada para Semana Santa!!. Por el momento y hasta que los días de descanso lleguen, os dejo con un post especialmente dedicado al sector masculino. Gracias a The Coveteur, tenemos la gran oportunidad de adentrarnos en los armarios más deseados del planeta. Ya os mostré hace unos cuantos meses el vestidor de la diseñadora de joyas canadiense Maryam Keyhani (podéis recordarlo pinchando aquí) y esta vez apostamos por un diseñador de moda nacido en Nebraska pero criado entre Nueva York y Florida. Él es TIMO WEILAND. Autodidacta en el terreno de costura y graduado en Económicas, Dirección de Empresas y Literatura Española; volvió a la ciudad de los rascacielos tras su largo periodo estudiantil para cumplir uno de sus sueños: lanzar su propia firma de moda junto a su socio y amigo Alan Eckstein, un jóven estudiante de moda del archiconocido FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology). Vuelve el retorno al arte del vestir...
Good evening, my dears!!. How is everything going on?. In less than a week, Easter Holidays are due to start. Until those relaxing days arrive, I want to share with all of you a very special post written for all my masculine readers!. Thanks to The Coveteur, we have the great opportunity to enter the most coveted closets of the fashion world. Several months ago, I showed you the Canadian jewelry designer Maryam Keyjani´s wardrobe (you can take a look here to read the whole post) and this time we are betting on an American fashion designer born in Nebraska but raised between New York and Florida. He is TIMO WEILAND. Self-taught in terms of couture making and graduated in Economics, Business Management and Spanish Literature; he returned to the skyscrapers´ city after his student period in order to fulfiill one of his biggest dreams: the launch of his own fashion brand together with his partner and friend Alan Eckstein, a young fashion student from the very well-known Fashion Institute of Technology of New York. Welcome to the return of the art of the smart dress-code...
Zapatos / Shoes, Vivienne Westwood
Cabina de teléfono de una tienda de antigüedades de Savannah, USA / Telephone booth from a rad antique store in Savannah, USA + Zapatos / Shoes from Gucci, Lanvin, Vivienne Westwood and Stubbs & Wootton
Pantalones / Pants from Timo Weiland Resort 2012 + Camisa / Shirt from Campaign by Beyond Closet in Singapore + Pinturas / Paintings mix of Marieke Ven Der Pol + Marco de puerta realizado mediante técnicas mixtas / A mounted mixed-media doorframe by Aaron Kuriloff
Camiseta de lunares / Polka-dot pike t-shirt from Timo Weiland + Zapatillas / Slippers from Stubbs & Wootton
Americanas / Jackets from Libertines + Zapatos de lona crudos / Light canvas saddle shoes from Dries Van Noten + Zapatos marrones y negros / Brown and black brogues from Florsheim by Duckie Brown
Pantalones y Bolsa / Pants and bag from Timo Weiland SS 2011
Americanas / Jackets from Timo Weiland
Pajarita de satén roja / Red satin bowtie from Brooks Brothers + Mini casa de juguete realizada junto a su padre / The mini-house was a collaboration with his father
Corbata de un brillante diseñador de Florida, pero residente en Brooklyn, NYC / Tie from a brilliant neckwear designer from his hometown in Florida, but based in Brooklyn, NYC: Sovereign Beck
Neceser vintage regalo de su padre / Briefcase, Vintage Gucci present from his father + Chapa india / The Indian Guide badge gift + Hebilla de cinturón / Belt buckle, Vintage find from Nashville, Tennessee + Botón de cuadros escoceses / Plaid button from a Market in NoLiTa, NYC
Gafas de sol verdes / Green sunglasses from Cutler & Gross + Gafas de ver color tostado / Blonde lemtosh glasses from Moscot
Zapatos / Shoes from Lanvin
Total look de lunares / Multi polka-dot twin set blazer button-down look from Timo Weiland
Americana / Blazer from Lilly Pulitzer
Reloj / Watch, Vintage Ebel from 1900´s
Americana / Jacket from Libertine
Source: The Coveteur
Source: The Coveteur