Pop style paintings, classic furnitures, cushions and floor lamps with flower tapest, 60´s sofa that provide a cool air, and the final touch: Natural flowers which give fresh and naturalness to the living room.
The paintings don´t hang up any more, Lean them against the wall. This painting is signed by Faile, an artist from Brooklyn.
Heterogeneous mixtures of objects.
The books are organizaed by colors. Is there something more decorative?.
Achieve a bohemian spirit by means of vintage furnitures bought in antique dealers from all over the world.
The Reading Corner: Floor lamp with a customized shade, retro leather sofa and window´s ornament designed by Tord Boonje.
The living room area is separated from the dressing room by a floral curtain which makes contrast in hues with the cushions that Emily sews.
Antique floral postcards decorate each corner of the house. Rincón mágico: Antiguo secreter de madera y multitud de objetos decorativos con toque kitsch procedentes de la tienda que posee en Londres.
Magic corner: Antique wooden writing desk and loads of decorative objects with a kitsch touch, original from her own shop in London.
Daring details decorate their shelves. Is it clear which letter is her favourite? The E!!.
Loads of fabrics that she usually obtains in the Marchè aux Puces, and which she uses them later for sewing the cushions that are in every corner of the house. What happens if all the materials run out?. She makes them through the handmade thechnique named Patchwork. Ingenious, or not? The important thing is to RECYCLE.
Anyone who doesn´t have a beautiful and spacious dressing room (as her and, of course, me...) can apply this trick: Pick the most beautiful and eye-catching garments and hang them up from the wall in a decorative way. I will note it!!.
In stead of using nails for hanging the hangers up, Emily uses chains, beause that way she has place for more. It´s a good idea, don´t you think so? .
Thousands of necklaces and flowers decorate all the walls.
As a support for her accesories, she uses some original horns lacquered in white which she has decorated with small birds. El dormitorio queda abierto al loft y separado del vestidor por cortinajes de cretona que lo aíslan o integran a voluntad.
The bedroom stays open to the loft and separated from the dressing room by cretonne curtains that isolate it or integrate voluntary.
The bed´s structure with the car seats as a headboard, is a unique piece of the 70´s that her husband bought years ago, and which Emilly has decorated with flowers and lace cushions. It even has loudspeakers incorporated.
White petite kitchen. One of the walls houses the floral touch so characteristic of Emily.
The scandinavian air retro table, bought by Emily in an antique dealer from Amsterdam, adapts perfectly to the rest of the decoration, thanks to it´s simplicity.
Flower cushions made by Emily, which decorate and make the dining chairs even more cosy: the ones she bought to the owner of a café. There are no two identicals!!.
Following the style of the kitchen, Emily chose for decorating the bathroom fresh flowers, as well as printed in vintage postcards.
The serenity of the white color contrast with the armchair customized by the stylist and the flower illustrations.
The bath covered with flower printed cretonne, as well as the retro style mirror and the letters of the wall (Look at what is reflected in the venecian mirror: Yes, it´s an E!!), refer us to the bohemian style of the house.