Las joyas son el complemento perfecto de una mujer. Clásicas, modernas, sencillas o barrocas... Hay para todos los gustos y para todos los bolsillos. Cada mujer tiene su propia personalidad y estilo diferente, único e irrepetible; y por ello, cada joya es única e irrepetible para cada mujer! Y la mía, es ésta (bueno, son éstas... :)).
Jewels are the perfect accessory that a woman can have. Classic, modern, simple or barroque... You can have jewels for all tastes and for all pockets. Each woman has it´s own personality and different style, unique & unrepeatable; and for that, each piece of jewelry is unique and unrepeatable for each woman! And mine, is this (well, are these... :)).
Jewels are the perfect accessory that a woman can have. Classic, modern, simple or barroque... You can have jewels for all tastes and for all pockets. Each woman has it´s own personality and different style, unique & unrepeatable; and for that, each piece of jewelry is unique and unrepeatable for each woman! And mine, is this (well, are these... :)).
MAWI, es una firma británica de joyería cuyos diseños innovadores, combinan a la perfección lo moderno y arriesgado con el clasicismo y la elegancia de las joyas clásicas (Sí, aquellas que seguramente todas hemos intentado "tomar prestadas en un viaje de no retorno" de nuestras abuelas, pero que nunca caen...). El resultado son piezas de marcado aire vintage con un toque de eclecticismo.
MAWI, is a british jewelry brand whose innovative designs, combine perfectly the modern and hazardous with the clasicism and elegance of the classic jewels (Yes, the ones that for sure all of us have tried "to borrow in a non return journey" from our grandmothers, but that never drop...). The result are marked vintage pieces with touches of eclecticism.
MAWI, is a british jewelry brand whose innovative designs, combine perfectly the modern and hazardous with the clasicism and elegance of the classic jewels (Yes, the ones that for sure all of us have tried "to borrow in a non return journey" from our grandmothers, but that never drop...). The result are marked vintage pieces with touches of eclecticism.
La diseñadora de esta firma, Margaret Thangmawi Keivom, crea sus piezas combinando materiales vintage con otros más modernos, reflejando así una basada en su estética propia y únicacreativo potencial y su experiencia internacional como moderna atesoradora y nómada urbanita que es.
The designer of this brand, Margaret Thangmawi Keivom, creates her pieces combining vintage materials with other ones much more modern, reflecting that way an own and unique aesthetics based on her creative potential and international experience as a modern hoarder and an urban nomad.
The designer of this brand, Margaret Thangmawi Keivom, creates her pieces combining vintage materials with other ones much more modern, reflecting that way an own and unique aesthetics based on her creative potential and international experience as a modern hoarder and an urban nomad.
Aquí os dejo algunas de sus últimas colecciones como pequeño aperitivo
Here you have some of her latest collections: